The aim of the SCORED trial was to assess the safety and effectiveness of sotagliflozin in reducing cardiovascular events among patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus and chronic kidney disease. Sotagliflozin is an SGLT2 inhibitor, but also inhibits SGLT1, which primarily exists in the gut and appears to delay glucose absorption. The results of this trial indicate that sotagliflozin has salutary effects on cardiovascular (heart) outcomes among patients with T2DM and CKD. The benefit was primarily in reduction of heart failure events, but there was also a reduction in cardiovascular (heart) death/MI (heart attack)/stroke, primarily due to reduction in MI (heart attack) and stroke. A reduction in renal (kideny) events was not observed, likely due to early cessation of the trial due to loss of funding.
Today’s daily piece is written by Jipal Patel, PCOM SOP PharmD Candidate Class of 2021.

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