We are living in unprecedented times globally. It is challenging to face fear head on each day. I have found rays of sunshine in this darkness through the following practices (and yes some days I do better than other days).
- Journalling specifically writing 3 things for which I am grateful each day.
- Calling or connecting virtually with a friend or family member at least 4 times weekly.
- Taking a walk outside to see the flowers and listen to the birds.
- Stay connected to my faith community virtually and prayer
Do these practices take away the reality of the challenges? No, they simply give a different perspective. I highly recommend a book on anxiety, Anxious for Nothing, by Max Lucado. Remember, the problem is how we think about our problem. Ponder on this one as I have been for the last few days. Don’t forget to make your daily gratitude list. Sending a virtual hug to each of you.

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#sunlight #COVID-19
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