Daily Piece: Dealing with Food and Stress of Holidays – Tips from an Expert

It is Thanksgiving Eve.  I am excited about running a Turkey Trot 5K bright and early in the morning to start the day off right to offset the temptations that I will face later in the day.  Holidays like Thanksgiving can present challenges with food and stress. I read a blog from Adam with DiaTribe on his tips for dealing with food and stress during the holidays earlier today. Adam always provides great tips as he knows how tough it can be as he lives with Type 1 diabetes. Please click below to read Adam’s tips.


Image result for thanksgiving food

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Daily Piece: Go Back to Basics of Insulin Injection

I heard any interesting story of a person with Type 2 diabetes last week who required continual increases in insulin dose yet the blood sugar values would not change.  So it was time to go back to the basics to figure out the mystery of why the insulin was not working.  As it turns out, the person injected in the insulin pen needle however they dialed back the insulin pen rather than pressing the button to deliver the insulin.  After the mystery was solved, the dose of insulin was cut by 60%.  Insulin pen injection technique matters.

Image result for insulin pen injection

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#basics    #insulin     #injection

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Daily Piece: ADA Position Statement on Management of Youth-Onset Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus

ADA has released an updated position statement on management of youth-onset Type 2 diabetes. Please click below learn more about this position statement.


Image result for youth onset type 2 diabetes


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Daily Piece: Updated Cholesterol Guidelines

Updated cholesterol treatment guidelines from the American Heart Association and American College of Cardiology emphasize personal approach.  It is no longer one size fits.   Considerations such as family history, whether a person has diabetes and whether person is of an ethnicity considered to be at a higher risk must be assessed.  Click below to learn more details about these exciting new updated guidelines.


Image result for cholesterol

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Daily Piece: Wearing Blue Today

Celebrating World Diabetes Day!  I am wearing blue in honor of all those living with diabetes and prediabetes.  Join me in honoring these amazing people.

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Daily Piece: Heart Protection

It sure is nice if a diabetes medication has an additional benefit.  Now, there four diabetes medications that protect the heart….Victoza, Trulicity, Invokana and Jardiance.

Image result for heart protection

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Daily Piece: Much Anticipated FreeStyle LibreLink App is Now Available

Do you love technology as much I do?  I recommend the FreeStyle Libre on daily basis to persons with diabetes as it makes glucose monitoring easy.  What has been missing an app to compliment this great technology.  The wait is now over.  So excited to have the 14 day sensor as well as the FreeStyle LibreLink app!   Make sure to download this app.


Image result for freestyle libre link app us


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#technology    #diabetes     #Libre  #app

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Daily Piece: Thank You to All Diabetes Educators

Did you know that it is National Diabetes Educators Week?  What a great week to celebrate all diabetes educators who work tirelessly with persons with prediabetes and diabetes to empower them to have the best quality of life possible.   Click below to read about Jamillah (a diabetes educator) and her innovative practice.


Image result for diabetes educator week

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#national    #diabetes     #educators   #celebrate

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Daily Piece: Hitting Pause Button

During clinic this morning, I had my second visit with a precious lady who has gestational diabetes. She was excited that the dietary changes were working to bring her glucose down. She had even persuaded her husband to eat healthy as well.  She also felt much better physically especially more energy.  She became disheartened when I shared that medication was needed to assist in bringing her glucose into target range.  She was shocked and confused.  How could this be?  She had lots of questions regarding effects of elevated glucose on her baby, and how the medication worked to lower her glucose.  I paused and stopped worrying about getting to the next patient.  I slowed down and allowed time needed to answer each of her questions.  After having her questions answered, she was relieved and understood why she needed the medication.  Now that is patient care.


Image result for pregnant female gdm


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Daily Piece: Happy Halloween – Before You Grab A Yummy Candy Treat

You are winding down from a fun Halloween evening, You are tempted to grab some candy from your child’s treasure of yummy treats or the left over candies.  Stop…before you do, click below to check the carb content.  Moderation is key. My favorite is candy corn. What is your favorite candy?


Image result for halloween candies

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#halloween    #yummy     #candy

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