Thursday’s Daily Piece: Exciting New Updates on Fiasp and Farxiga

Well, it is another exciting week in the world of diabetes. First, more rapid acting insulin aspart (Fiasp) now has expanded FDA indication for use in insulin pumps.

Secondly, dapaglifozin (Farxiga) is now first medication indicated for treatment of Type 2 diabetes that is approved to reduce risk of heart failure hospitalization in adults with type 2 diabetes and established cardiovascular (heart) disease or multiple risk factors for heart disease. The data from the Dapagliflozin Effect on Cardiovascular Events-TIMI 58 (DECLARE-TIMI 58) trial led to this new approved indication. Please do keep in mind that in general the SGLT2 inhibitor drug class (class effect) has shown benefit for persons with type 2 diabetes and heart failure.

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#Fiasp #FDA #Farxiga #HF

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Saturday’s Daily Piece: Omada Health and Abbott Partnership – Integrated Digital Health

Omada Health, digital coaching platform, provides real time support and coaching for persons with type 2 diabetes and other chronic diseases to empower people to make sustainable behavior change. Abbott (maker of Freestyle Libre) is joining forces with Omada Health to offer Freestyle Libre flash glucose monitoring for persons with type 2 diabetes as part of the Omada program. What a bonus! If you are interested in learning more information, please click below.

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#integrated #digital #health #coaching

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Tuesday’s Daily Piece: Insulin Co-Pay Update

Good news in terms of insulin co-pays for those with insurance coverage through Cigna (and Express Scripts) and three Minnesota Insurance companies (Blue Cross and Blue Shield, Medica and UCare) beginning in January 2020! Now, please keep in mind this does not address the deeper issue of the cost of insulin however it does address co-pays. To learn more, please click to read diaTribe’s explanation (great job as always dia Tribe).

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#insulin #co-pay #Cigna #Minnesota

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Saturday’s Daily Piece: Tis the Season for Flu Shot

I am like everyone else in that I often put off the most important “to-do” things for my health. Well, this week, I am excited to share that I received my flu shot. Now, I must clear up a couple of myths.

Myth #1: I will be 100% protected from getting flu if exposed to a person with the flu after I receive the flu shot

Truth: You may still get the flu if exposed to person with the flu but the duration and severity will be decreased.

Myth #2: I will get the flu if I receive the flu shot

Truth: Flu shot is developed from a dead virus therefore it is impossible to develop the flu from a dead virus.

Please make sure to put getting your flu shot at the top of your “to-do” list. Join me in protecting yourself.

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#Flu #shot #vaccine #protection

Follow me on Twitter and Facebook @ReecesPiecesDi and Instagram ReecesPiecesDI.

Wednesday’s Daily Piece: Green Light for Dexcom’s G6 Pro

Great news in the diabetes world today! FDA has approved Dexcom’s G6 Pro CGM. Now you may be wondering what is a pro (professional) CGM? Isn’t all CGMs the same? Professional CGM is placed on a person with diabetes by a healthcare professional in office or clinic setting. CGM is worn for typically 7 – 14 days followed by download in your healthcare provider’s office. CGM download provides lots of useful information in terms of a person’s time in range (amount of time a person’s blood sugar is in 70 – 180 mg/dL range), above range (> 180 mg/dL) and below range (<70 mg/dL). This vital insight can be provide feedback to both person with diabetes and healthcare professional to guide the overall treatment plan, and learn what is working and not working. Like all numbers in diabetes, please remember these numbers do not judge rather they simply provide feedback.

To learn more about this exciting approval, Dexcom G6 Pro, please click below. Lastly, you do not have to be on insulin therapy to qualify professional CGM.

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#Dexcom #G6 #pro #FDA #approval

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Saturday’s Daily Piece: Insulin Pricing Federal Legislation, Insulin Price Reduction Act

Currently, both U.S. House and Senate have legislative bills, Insulin Price Reduction Act, addressing insulin pricing head on, and it is a bipartisan bill in both the House and Senate.

Most recently, Insulin Price Reduction Act, was introduced into U.S. House of Representatives by Representatives Diana DeGette (CO) and Tom Reed (NY). The key points are listed below.

-Reduce the list price of most insulin products by more than 75%.

-Require Medicare and all private insurers to cover insulin with no deductibles.

-Protect pharmaceutical companies who reduce their prices from pressure of having to offer additional rebates.

-Prohibit insurers from refusing to cover any insulin product that’s been priced at, or below, its 2006 list price.

For additional information, please click on the links below.

In the U.S. Senators, Senators Tom Carper (DE), Jeanne Shaheen (NH), Susan Collins (Maine) and Kevin Kramer (ND) introduced a similar bill, Insulin Reduction Price Bill.

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#insulin #reduction #bill #bipartisan #bill #federal

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Wednesday’s Daily Piece: Novel Renal Indication for Invokana

This week, FDA has approved an additional novel indication for canagliflozin (Invokana) for persons with type 2 diabetes and diabetes related kidney disease. Specifically, canagliflozin is now indicated to reduce worsening kidney function, risk of end stage renal disease, cardiovascular death and heart failure hospitalization in adults living with type 2 diabetes and kidney disease. Wow! Please click below to learn more.

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#canagliflozin #novel #kidney #indication

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Wednesday’s Daily Piece: Novel Agent, Imeglimin, for Type 2 Diabetes

Recently, findings from phase 3 trial for first in class novel drug, imeglimin, were presented were presented at EASD meeting in Spain. This drug works to improve mitochondrial function which improves insulin sensitivity and secretion, and decreasing hepatic/liver glucose production (now that it is a great triple action). Results from phase 3 trial in Japan are very positive. Imeglimin is the first in new novel “glimin” class of glucose lowering agents. Now, it is important to keep in mind the medication was studied in Japanese population so it remains to be seen its benefit in other populations. Sound interesting? Please click below to learn more.

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#imeglimin #novel #drug #diabetes

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Game Changing Week in Diabetes: Oral GLP- 1 Agonist and New Pro CGM

Boy! What an exciting week it has been in the diabetes realm! Here in the states, FDA approved oral semaglutide (Rybelsus), first ever oral GLP-1 agonist. How exciting for those living with type 2 diabetes who have avoided GLP-1 agonist because it is an injection as they have an oral option. This is a game changer. It will be available in 7 mg and 14 mg. Costs are not available at this time however there will be a savings card program. Rybelsus will be available in fourth quarter 2019.

In Europe, Medtronic received approval for a new disposable, factory calibrated professional CGM (Envision Pro). This eliminates the need for finger stick calibration. Envision Pro will be available in Europe and Middle East this fall. I am counting the days until we get FDA approval for this professional CGM here in the states.

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#oral #semaglutide #EnvisionPro

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Blog: Developing Your Advocacy Plan

III Part Series: Advocacy

Part III: Developing Your Advocacy Plan

So, you did your preparation for your in-person meeting, and the preparation paid off because you had a great meeting with the legislator and/or staff.  You felt they truly listened to you, asked insightful questions, and remained engaged throughout the meeting.  You offered to serve as a knowledge expert for the staff and be available as a resource. 

Well, you are done now and can move on your next project, right? 

Not so fast!

Ongoing follow-up is necessary for successful advocating.  Recall the last handwritten note you received and how much it meant to you?  What a lasting impression you will leave with the legislator and staff with a simple handwritten note.  Yes, a thank you email is ok, but take the extra step of a thoughtful gracious handwritten thank you note.  Additionally, reaching out every couple of months to stay in touch with the staffer and keeping them updated is vital in growing the relationship into an established long term one. Make sure to also sign up for your legislator’s newsletter so you better understand their areas of priority and perspective.  Now that you have mailed your handwritten thank you notes, what next steps do you need to do?  Staying up to date with current and future legislation is a must as the political and legislative landscape is constantly changing.  Remember, both state and federal legislation directly impact the lives of those living with or at risk for diabetes.  Subscribe to legislative/advocacy forums through AADE and ADA to keep your knowledge up to date on legislation impacting those living with or caring for those living with diabetes. 

I, just as many others do in their advocacy work, sometimes wonder whether I am truly making a difference even after writing handwritten note and signing up for the legislators’ newsletter.  Recently, even after two visits with a legislator’s staff member and proper follow up, I walked away without their support as a co-sponsor of a diabetes related bill.  Am I giving up? Not all as this only strengthens my resolve. Also, the legislator is now more educated on diabetes.  At both federal and state levels of government bills often take multiple tries to final pass the appropriate committees, chambers and garner the needed approvals prior to ending up on a Governor’s or President’s desk for signing.  Our role is to educate, educate, educate – If we do, then those individuals living with diabetes will be heard and eventually our consistency will payoff!

Don’t go at it alone!  Network and join others who are advocating.  A great way to do this is participating in Advocacy Days through AADE, ADA, Diabetes Patient Advocacy Coalition and JDRF.  Below I have provided links to each of the previously mentioned organizations’ advocacy webpage.


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#advocacy #AADE #ADA #JDRF #diabetespac

Follow me on Twitter and Facebook @ReecesPiecesDi and Instagram ReecesPiecesDI.