Metformin has been shown to have to reduce risk of developing type 2 diabetes in those with prediabetes for the last 15 years. Metformin has been proven safe with the added bonus of being inexpensive. Diabetes Prevention Program which began over 15 years ago randomized 3234 participants age 25 and older who were high risk for developing type 2 diabetes to intensive lifestyle modification, metformin or placebo. Metformin was the superior treatment. For those who were randomized to metformin, they were able to continue metformin during the observational follow up study (Diabetes Prevention Program Outcomes Study — DPPOS). Incidence of type 2 diabetes was statistically lower in those taking metformin versus placebo when using fasting and 2 hour glucose tolerance test or hemoglobin A1c test. Please click on the link to below to read more about the findings from DPPOS.

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