I have recently written a manuscript on a quality improvement project focused on increasing frequency of documented diabetes eye exam in EMR system for an internal and family medicine practice. So naturally, the article, “Diabetes Eye Exam Frequency in US is ‘Alarmingly Low,'” on Medscape Medical News caught my eye. Dr. Benoit with Centers for Diabetes Control completed an analysis of claims data for insured persons with type 2 diabetes (300,000) with no retinopathy at baseline, and type 1 diabetes (3000). For those with type 2 diabetes in this analysis, only about one in seven met the American Diabetes Association (ADA)’s recommendation for annual or biennial exam. For those with type 1 diabetes, only a quarter met the ADA recommendation. Remember this analysis reflects insured not uninsured persons. To learn more, please click below.
Diabetes Eye Exam Frequency in US Is ‘Alarmingly Low’ – Medscape – Feb 12, 2019.

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