Daily Piece: New Diabetes Guidelines for Older Adults

The Endocrine Society has released new diabetes guidelines for older adults. These guidelines provide great insight into the uniqueness of providing diabetes care for this special population with a focus on shared decision making and individualized treatment goals, treatment of co-morbidities (hypertension and dyslipidemia) and impact co-morbidities such as renal impairment and heart disease have on medication selection. Lastly, emphasis on identifying and addressing prediabetes in older adults. To learn more about these new guidelines, please click below.


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#diabetes #guidelines #older #adults

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Daily Piece: App that Detects Diabetes

When I first read about an app that detects diabetes, I must admit that I was skeptical. The app, Azumio Instant Heart Rate, uses smartphone based photoplethysmography (PPG) to detect diabetes. The contact PPG (using fingertip scan) was used to obtain waveforms of color changes in blood vessels with heart beat to develop the screening test. Further research is being conducted to see how PPG signal detected diabetes compares with diabetes detected from blood glucose or hemoglobin A1c. The app is a screening not diagnosis tool so healthcare provider would need to confirm the findings. To learn more about this interesting app, please click below.


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#fingertip #scan #detect #diabetes

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Daily Piece: Muscle Strength Matters in Type 2 Diabetes Prevention

Type 2 diabetes can be prevented yet the journey of prevention is challenging. Making changes to our nutritional habits and physical activity are two keys for type 2 diabetes prevention. When it comes to physical activity, cardiovascular exercises such as walking, running, bike riding are often emphasized more than resistance training. Well as it turns out muscle strength should also be considered. In a prospective health outcomes study, moderate muscle strength was actually associated with 32% reduction in incidence of type 2 diabetes when compared to those with lower muscle strength. These findings sure motivate me to rise early in the morning to head to gym for my usual Wednesday morning workout which happens to include weights. To learn about about this study, please click below.


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#moderate #muscle #strength #type2 #diabetes

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Daily Piece: Statin Therapy and Risk of Type 2 Diabetes

Fariba Ahmadizar, PhD, of the department of epidemiology at Erasmus University Medical Centre, Rotterdam, the Netherlands, published a prospective, population based study showed risk of risk of type 2 diabetes with statin use. As it turns out in this study, the association between statin use and development of type 2 diabetes was strongest among those who were overweight or obese. So should everyone stop taking their statin? Certainly not. For those who are overweight or obese, reducing risk of type 2 diabetes through lifestyle changes and reducing insulin resistance is key. The major limitations to this study were lack of family history of type 2 diabetes, no hemoglobin A1 value or dose of statin. While this study is helpful, it certainly is limited in applying the results to general population. To learn more, please click below.


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#statin #type2 #diabetes

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Daily Piece: Human Insulin in Type 2 Diabetes

Let me begin by stating that I firmly believe the pricing of analog insulins must be addressed as this is vital issue affecting people living with diabetes. On to an interesting summary of a couple of studies on the use of human insulin in type 2 diabetes. A nice summary piece on a couple of recent studies published in JAMA on switching from analog to human insulin, and comparison of groups started on human versus basal analog insulin in persons with type 2 diabetes. The outcomes from these studies were positive for human insulin. To read this excellent summary, please click below.


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#human #insulin #type2 #diabetes

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Daily Piece: Springing Forward

Time has sprung forward so don’t forget to update time on your diabetes devices. It only takes a few moments.

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#diabetes #devices # #time #spring #forward

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Daily Piece: Important Diabetes Medication Label Expansions

Dapagliflozin (Farxiga, Xigduo) has an important label update – it can now be used in setting of moderate renal impairment (eGFR 45-59 mL/min/1.73 m2). This allows dapagliflozin to be used in a greater number of patients which is especially important in light of its cardiovascular benefit. The link below further describes this label update.


Another important label update is insulin glargine and lixisenatide injection (Soliqua 100/33) now having an indication for persons who had not achieved glycemic target on oral diabetes medication. Remember, Soliqua is a great alternative to basal bolus insulin regimen for persons with Type 2 diabetes. More details are provided in the link below.


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#FDA #label #expansion #dapagliflozin #Soliqua

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Daily Piece: Positive Outcomes from Trial Using GLP-1 Agonist and SGLT-2 Inhibitor

In practice, I often find it helpful to use glucagon-like )GLP-1) receptor agonist in combination with sodium glucose cotransporter-2 (SGLT-2) inhibitor for type 2 diabetes as they tackle type 2 diabetes from different avenues. Using these two drug classes together creates synergy. Findings from a recent study of semaglutide, GLP-1 agonist, being added to SGLT-2 inhibitor (either alone or in combination with metformin or sulfonylurea) in persons with Type 2 diabetes who have inadequately controlled glucose improved glycemic control. Greater A1c and weight reduction were positive outcomes. Please click below to read this trial summary.


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#synergy #GLP1 #agonist #SGLT2 #inhibitor

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Daily Piece: Ambulatory Glucose Profile (AGP)

The International Diabetes Center has produced a great resource breaking down the ambulatory glucose profile for self monitoring of blood glucose (SMBG), continuous glucose monitoring (CGM), insulin pump and CGM, and closed loop pump and CGM. Below are a list of components of this profile.

Glucose statistics: average tests per day (SMBG ), percent time CGM active, average glucose (mean), GMI (glucose management indicator), CV (coefficient of variation), SD (standard deviation)

Time in range: time in target, low/very low, high/very high

Glucose profile: 24 hour picture of glucose; orange, blue and green zones

Daily glucose profile (SMBG and CGM): single day’s glucose pattern is represented in a box

Bolus insulin graph (pump and CGM, and closed loop pump and CGM): one graph of 24 hour insulin bolus doses

Insulin profile graph ( pump and CGM, and closed loop pump and CGM): shows basal insulin pump settings over 24 hour period

Below is a link with more detailed look at the AGP.


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#ambulatory #glucose #profile

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Daily Piece: A Must Read from AACE and ACE

Following the ADA’s release of 2019 Standards of Care in Diabetes back in December 2018, AACE and ACE have now released their 2019 Consensus Statement on Comprehensive Type 2 Diabetes Management. This is a must read as much as ADA Standards of Care in Diabetes. Grab a cup of coffee or tie and sit in your favorite chair for a good read. The link is below.


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#comprehensive #management #Type 2 #ACE . #AACE

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