The needs of a person living with diabetes changes through the various transitions of life so the specific needs for self management and support. There is no cookie cutter. Federal legislation, HR 1840 and S 8143, expands the current diabetes self management training that is covered by Medicare. How does it do this?
- Allows the initial 10 hours of DSMT during first year after diagnosis of diabetes to remain available until fully utilized. Life happens and it may not always be possible to utilize the 10 hours of training the first year.
- Increases the hours of DSMT from 2 to 6 hours in subsequent years.
- Allows DSMT and Medical Nutrition Therapy (MNT) to be provided on same day as currently they can not be provided on same day.
- Excludes DSMT from Medicare Part B cost sharing and deductible requirements.
- Permits physicians and non-physician practitioners who are not directly involved in managing an individual’s diabetes to refer them to DSMT services. For example, with this expansion, an emergency room provider could refer a person for diabetes education.
- Allows DSMT to be provided in a community based location (i.e. community center, churches, etc). Meeting people where they are.
- Establishes a 2 year demonstration of virtual DSMT. It is not always feasible for various reasons for a person to travel to a diabetes education center.
Whether you are a person living with diabetes, a caregiver, diabetes educator or healthcare professional, please contact your Congressman and Senators, and ask them to co-sponsor HR 1840 and S 814. Diabetes is a bipartisan issue.

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