About Me

Hi! I’m Mandy, a clinical pharmacist and certified diabetes care and education specialist.  I am thrilled to provide blogs as practical bits of information about diabetes medications and technology.  Thanks for stopping by.

I have been working with people with diabetes for over 15 years.  I am passionate about diabetes and empowering with people with diabetes to have the best quality of life possible.  This blog is designed to provide practical information about diabetes medications and technology for people living with diabetes and their caregivers. 

Follow me on Facebook (Reece’s Pieces in a Diabetes World), Twitter (@ReecesPiecesDi) and Instagram (@ReecesPiecesDI).  

You can reach me at [email protected].

2 Replies to “About Me”

  1. Hi, Jude Donovan, have me your info. We’ve been friends for years. My 8 yee old grand daughter is coming off of chemo and radiation for a brain tumor (NGGCT) During all this she developed diabetes Insipidus. Which keeps putting her back in Nemours. To my surprise, she is not on any kind of diet. She eats carbs like crazy and intakes all kinds of sodium. I’m just shocked her diet is not an issue. If it was your grandchild, would she be on a special diet? I just don’t understand. Thanks, again, and Jude has nothing but glowing words about you!

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